Organic Dragon Fruit

“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

It was in Thailand that I was introduced to dragon fruit. A beautiful fruit that looks like a flame or a big rose bud. It grows in South East Asia and Central America. In Thailand there were two kinds, white and red. From outside the white one was pink and the red one was dark pink. You could differentiate them even without cutting them to see the white or red flesh with lots of eatable little black seeds. The white one was usually larger with wider space between the spikes. My favorite was the red one, which was much sweeter and tastier. We cut them, froze them, and used them as a healthy fruity ready to go ice cream substitute 🙂 but you can also put it in your tropical fruit salad or shake. In America, I found them in grocery stores and since they are expensive with short season, I buy them when I want to treat myself or to bring the taste of Thailand back to my memory. However high health benefits of this fruit has put it on the list of super fruits along with pomegranate, fig, blueberry, strawberry, avocado, papaya, passion fruit, kivi and other Superfruits. A superfruit is a fruit rich in antioxidant, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other nutrients. They make you look better, and live longer and healthier.

So, this climbing cactus brings beutiful flowers called “queen of the night” and it’s fruit is dragon fruit that has a lot of antioxidant, vitamine C, B, calcium, iron, phosphorus, carotene, protein, good fatty acids, and good sugar. It is good for bone, teeth, and blood and it improves immune system and wound healing. the seeds have omega 3 and they are light laxative. Even though this fruit is a super fruit, but like everything else, using it in moderation should be practiced.

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii
