Organic Rosemary

“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

The first time I tasted rosemary was in a former hotel on top of a hill, which was used as a refugee camp in Italy. They served grilled pork chop with rosemary and green pees once a week. It was delicious! This Mediterranean evergreen herb is a member of lavender and mint family. Rosemary is sold fresh, dried, as an essential oil, and as a supplement. Herbs and spices when used as supplements and in essential oil are in high doses, so you need to consult your doctor before using them. For instance, high doses of rosemary can have side effects like spasms, digestive and pulmonary problems, and even coma, and it can interfere with the effect of some prescription drugs like blood thinners and high blood pressure medication. Also high doses of rosemary are not good for pregnant women. However, this herb containing iron, calcium and vitamin B, has lots of health benefits. Rosemary has antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents. It is known to have some benefits in preventing  Cancer, heart disease, stroke and memory loss. Rosemary also is known for helping diabetics for regulating blood sugar and preventing eye sight dicrease due to aging.

Rosemary essential oil is used in aromatherapy for reducing anxiety and improving memory. In farming and camping it is used as an organic repellent against insects, mosquitoes, and ticks. Also massaging the oil on the scalp reduces itching and hair loss. Culinary uses of rosemary include meat dishes, tea, and bread. I personally like olive oil infused rosemary and using it in pear rosemary foccasia and with grilled pork chop. 🙂

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii