Organic Cauliflower

“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

If you want to treat your body with vitamins (specially Vit. C, B and K), minerals, protein, fiber, and antioxidants all in one vegetable that actually is a flower, then eat cauliflower raw or cooked properly (cooked or steamed for 3 minutes) and use the leaves and stems too (in your soup). I think the best way to eat this vegetable is to cook it in a little bit of chicken broth for 5 minutes along with turmeric and salt & pepper. If you blanch it for 3 minutes in hot water and then freeze it, you can save the nutritions for up to one year. In Iran one of the best ways to preserve cauliflower is to pickle it either with salty water or with vinegar and spices along with other vegetables. In the US broccoli is more produced and consumed versus in East like in China and India that cauliflower has the priority. However, both have wonderful and different nutritional values. People have produced cauliflower for thousands of years starting in Mediteranian area and then expanding it to other parts of the world. Cauliflower is related to reducing the risks of cancers such as colon, breast, and prostate cancer. Cauliflower boosts healthy heart & brain & eye, balances cholesterol and blood pressure, fights inflamation, makes bones stronger, improves digestion, detoxifies body, helps in weight loss, and helps during pregnancy for the baby’s healthy nervous system. One of the most interesting qualities of this flower is to prevent the harm of ultraviolet radiation and it helps you to have a healthy skin. So, before having suntan make sure you had enough cauliflower 😉

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii

cauliflower beneficiile-consumului-de-conopida