Organic Winter Squash and Pumpkin

“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

The season is changing and along with beautiful fall folliage, it comes cold and flu, but the good news is whatever we need is provided in the season produce such as all kind of winter squash; acorn squash, butternut squash, spagetti squash, delicata, and pumpkin to boost our immunity system with omega 3, anti oxidants, anti viral/anti bacterial/anti inflammatory substances, alpha & beta-caroten, vitamin A, C, K, & B complex, and minerals such as potassium, manganese, and copper all hiding within lots of fibers. Isn’t that amazing? You just need to buy this seasonal, local, not expensive veggies and make all kind of delicious snacks, soups, main courses and desserts and feed your family and protect them from cold and flu, so they can enjoy the beauty of fall foliage.  Winter squash also has anti cancer property, specially against colon cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer. They regulate blood sugar and prevent type 2 diabetese and in this regard their abondant vit B complex and folate has a big role. Winter squash is a heart healthy diet and has a wealth of nutrients. It is amazing that this veggie has been planted in last ten thousand years, but in the begining they planted them for their seeds and gradually it grew to have more and sweeter flesh and people now use both the seeds and the flesh for their food. You can steam it with some cinnamon and maple syrup. It is Canadian! You can cook spagetti squash and pour some spagetti sauce on it and have a healthy spagetti dish. It is Italian! You also can sate onion and squash and then steam and blend them with some chicken broth and seasoning to make a delicious soup. It is French! Bon Appetit 🙂

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii

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