Organic Herbs (Cilantro/Parsley/Tarragon/Dill/Rosemarry/Mint/Sage/Oregano/Basil/Thyme/Etc.)

“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

Some of the best things you can grow in your garden are various herbs. Herbs are expensive all year around. Cut herbs don’t have a long shelf life and when you need them, you can’t buy just a few stems of each one. So, having them around the house outside or inside is very convenient. This way, you can save money and have fresh herbs and enjoy their beauty and aroma in the house.

Herbs either raw or cooked play a big role in Persian cuisine. During summer, I dry herbs by hanging the branches of each kind in a dark and dry place. This way they don’t lose much color and dry completely. Then I save them in a tight glass jar. I crush them in my hands when I want to use them. This way their taste and fragrance last longer. I also chop some of my herbs and either freeze them for dishes like soups and stews or fry them for rice toppings (khoresh).

Herbs have both nutritional and medicinal values. They have fiber, minerals, and vitamins. I use herbs in food, hot and cold drinks like tea, and desserts. Using different herbs in your diet is a healthy practice.

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii

Lemon Mint



Bee Balm



Lemon Thyme




