Mint Pineapple Ginger Lemonade

“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

This heavenly drink is amazing in satisfying your thirst and hunger in hot days. It is very refreshing, specially with crushed ice and it contains an abondant health benefits. This drink not only increases your metabolism, but also it reduces your belly fat and love handles. Mint and ginger both regulate the function of your gasterointestinal system and reduce blotting. Gingear helps the health of your musculoskeletal system and reduces the inflamation of your joints. Both mint and gingear are warm in temperment while lemon and pineapple are cold. So, this drink is a balanced drink and I think that is why it is both healthy and delicious. Lemon has lots of vitamine C and its sourness balances out the sweetness of pineapple and there is no need to add any sugar or other sweeteners, which classic lemonade is saturated with them. Pine apple, a delicious tropical fruit also has lots of vitamine C and minerals and it boosts your immune system and has anti-inflammatory effect on your body. All sugeons know or they should know that after surgery and when you have cuts and bruises, Pineapple brings fast recovery and healing. It is wonderful for losing weight and it has a lot of antioxidant, which fights cancer. It strengthen your gums, bones, eyes, and blood circulation and like mint and ginger it helps your digestion. When I was in Thailand, it was fasinating that how much they cared about consuming this fruit after each meal. I have no doubt that their diet, including consumption of pineapple as well as chili has had a big role in reducing the rate of obesity in this country. Enjoy this drink and get in shape. Well, round is a shape too, but you know what I mean. 🙂

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii
