Organic Fenugreek or Methi

“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

When I left Iran in 1987, one of my thoughts was how I was going to get the main ingredient for our national dish “Ghormeh Sabzee” to make it for my children. It was not easy to find it in Western countries back then when this herb was only known in India, China, Middle East, and Africa for both alternative medicine and culinary values. At that time, neither ordering it on line nor mailing it from Iran was a possibility for us. However each time that I decided to make this family favorite dish, somehow it was provided either in an unlikely place like a small Afghanian store or as a gift from a friend. Last year not only could I order it on line, but also I could find the seeds to plant in my garden. This year I am so excited to plant it again and this time, much more than last year 🙂

Fenugreek is used as a vegetable (the whole plant), spice (ground seeds), tea (soaked seeds), and herb (leaves) and has a lots of health and nutritional values. Fenugreek is also used in imitation maple syrup, because of the similarity of the taste. Fenugreek has a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Its potential health benefits include: reducing bad cholesterol, LDL and increasing the good one, HDL; improving the action of insulin and reducing the absorbtion of glucose, which results in decreasing blood sugar; helping weight lost and reducing fat; increasing testostrone in men and libido in men and women; reducing the size of enlarged prostate and cystic ovary; increasing milk production in nursing moms; increasing weight in breast fed babies when their mother consumes fenugreek; reducing imflamation and reducing skin scars, heartburn, and esophagogastric ulcers; faster delivery of babies due to increased uterus spasms; and less painful menstrual cycles due to mimicking the effect of estrogen.

Saying all that, I have to emphasize again that like everything else the key is moderation, because high doses of fenugreek, especially in supplement form can cause symptoms such as miscarriage, allergies, diarrhea, and stomach ache. Before using fenugreek supplements, especially if you are diabetic or pregnant, you should consult a physician. Enjoy this unique ingredient in your cuisines 🙂

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii