Organic Rhubarb

“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite snacks was rhubarb, because it had a sour fruity taste and my sister and I loved sour snacks like sour cherry, sour plum, sour fruit rolls, sour tamarind, etc. When I got older, I found out that rhubarb looks like a veggitable and has nutritional value of vegetables and it is technically a vegetable, but it is legally a fruit and in the kitchen it is treated as a fruit making rhubarb-strawberry pie & rhubarb-ginger jam. The stalk is the only eatable part of the plant and the leaves are poisonous, so be caucious for kids and pets not to eat rhubarb leaves. Rhubarb also can be grilled or used raw in your salad.

Rhubarb has been around for long time and in East they used it as a laxative and cleanser of the intestines. It has lots of fiber, minerals like calcium- magnesium-iron-iodine & manganese, and vitamins like vitamin K, B, and C. It reduces stress, increases metabolism and reduces weight, increases good cholesterol and produces healthy heart, brain, and bone along with young looking skin. It prevents alzheimer and improves emotions and mood condition. Well, what else do you expect from this short season confused vegetable/fruit & healthy stalk/poisonous leaves plant? Just enjoy it when it comes to the market 🙂

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii