Organic Okra


“Let food be your medicine.” Hippocrates

Okra or lady finger or Bamiah is a vegitable full of health benefits, which is older than 3500 years. In tropical areas you can find fresh okra all around the year and if you have seen Chiang Mai folklore dance in Thailand, you’ll see the resemblance of their fingers with okra 🙂 In the US if you are not from south, you can easily miss out on this nutritious veggie. The flower is beautiful and the plant is a bush as tall as you if you are an adult. The pods are tender and delicious when they are finger length. summer is the time that you can get fresh okra and eat them fresh, fried, pickled, stewed, and in a soup. Okra has a lot of fiber and is good for digestion and preventing colon cancer and diabetese. It has vitamine C, B, folate, and minerals, which are good for a healthy pregnancy and healthy brain growth of the baby. Because okra contains vitamin C, it is good for skin, for immunity against micro organisms, and for repiratory problems like asthma. Okra has vitamin A and anti oxidants that are essential for vision and it has vitamin K. I hope you don’t forget this wonderful vegetable in your diet 🙂

“Let’s always eat and drink healthful food and beverages and do it in moderation.” Dr. Sii
